
Hallo apa kabar? semoga hari-hari mu selalu indah..

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Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Beautiful Park

By Rara

Once upon a time there was a King Farrel and the Queen Kya. They had kids were Princess Rara and Princess Dhillah. They had knight Sir Rizky and Sir Athaya.
One day Princess Rara and Princess Dhillah ask to their parent to play with the other kids out of the castle.
“Mother and father, may we play out with others kids?”
“No my darling!” said The King. “Because it is too dangerous for you”.
Princess Rara and Princess Dhillah just go to their room. They feel sad. Than they read a book.
King and Queen decide to make a beautiful park for their Princesses and the other kids to play. Everyone in the castle help to make a park except the kids.
The kids got surprise when they saw the park. There was a swings, seesaws slides, water fall and swimming pool.
“Oh thank you so much mother. It is so beautiful park!” said the princesses
now the princess can play with their neighbors and had many friends. And they lived happily ever after.

Senin, 12 April 2010

Dua Anak Perempuan

By Dhillah

Pada suatu hari ada anak perempuan yang sedang tidur. Lalu dia bangun dan mandi. Selesai mandi dia makan dan pergi ke sekolah belajar bersama teman-temannya. Pulang sekolah dia tidur siang. Sore hari dia bangun lalu makan dan belajar sendiri di kamarnya. Lalu adiknya pulang dari sekolah, kemudian mandi, makan dan belajar juga di kamar kakaknya.

Adiknya bertanya kepada kakaknya “kakak bagaimana ini mengerjakannya?”. Kakaknya menjawab “Oh ini kamu disuruh membuat cerita atau dongeng. Yah sudah kerjakanlah”. Akhirnya mereka mengerjakan PR bersama-sama.
Setelah selesai mengerjakan PR, adiknya tidur dengan nyenyak. Tiba-tiba adiknya menendang-nendang kakaknya. Kakaknya marah, dia membangunkan adiknya untuk tidak menendang-nendang lagi. Akhirnya mereka tidur bersama dengan nyenyak.

The King Saved The Prince From The Ice Dragon’s Threat

By D. Muhammad

Once upon time there was a King. He ask his prince to do a mission to defeat the legend of strong Ice Dragon. And then the prince executed it. But he got lost in the North Pole and he saw the ice cave. When he went to close by it. He quickly become an ice, because that cave was actually the place where the dragon lived.
Meanwhile the King was anxious with the Princes and he decided to go after the Prince. When he arrived at the ice cave, he saw the prince had already frozen.
Suddenly the Ice Dragon shown up and the king immediately acquired his sword and cut the Dragon’ neck. And finally the Dragon was dead. The King saved the Prince and they came home together. After all they lived happily ever after.